Probiotics For Cats -That Works!

This is an overdue review for this amazing supplement product -"Probiotics" for cats from PETUltimates. I am so thankful that I found this product on Amazon. Our Coco got very sick last fall. She had an explosive diarrhea plus vomiting too. It was really bad. My heart was broken to see her suffer like that and  I will make sure she won't go through that again. 

We rushed her to our Vet. The Vet told us that they will give her a shot for vomiting and for diarrhea. We thought it will be back to normal after a week but no. I called her Vet (middle of second week) to let them know that Coco is still not feeling well after all the medications. The Vet told me that it maybe due to "change in diet".  The Vet suggested to give her hypoallergenic food and probiotics. 

Mid July we adopted a new kitty - Mia. We gave Mia kitty food and when we let Coco visit Mia's room there was left over food, and Coco would eat it. Now that make sense... the cause of all this was due to "change in diet". I felt so bad because It was my FAULT! (devastated).  I decided not to bring Coco back to her Vet, it was just too much medications for her. I then, followed the Vet's advise and made a lot a research. 

I changed her food (I will share to you all about it next blog) and incorporated the probiotics in her food. I remember that her Vet told me that if I'll buy from them, they will give her "Forta Flora Probiotics" but I read the reviews on Amazon, it is not giving me a warm fuzzy feeling. I found this "Vetri-Science Mega Probiotic Dog and Cat Supplement"  which has good and bad reviews. I gave it a try having in mind that I have to make sure that when I give it to Coco, I need to observe if she'll like it. Unfortunately, third day she vomited. She didn't agree with it. Every cat is different and this company understood that. I returned the product and they refunded me. 

FINALLY, I saw this on Amazon and I read "PETUlitimates Probiotics For Cats -20 Species -Stops Diarrhea and Vomiting, Cuts Litter Box Smell" I was like... that checks all the problems that Coco is dealing right now. I read the reviews and it has more positives than negatives. I ordered it, it arrived on time. Followed the instruction/s, gave Coco her food with "PetUlitimate Probiotics" mixed it in, she smelled her food and devoured it and get this - She did not throw up! even the day after that and the day after that. LOL! At this point, I was really teary. I am just glad that she liked it and she is feeling better and better each day. 

Fast forward to now, litter box doesn't stink, no diarrhea and no vomiting. By the way, Mia loves it too! 

I am beyond happy for this awesome product! Our two kitties are super happy too! Thank you "PetUlitimate Probiotics" for being true to all your claims. Keep up the great work!  

 My kitties approved of this and This is not a sponsored review.

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